Thursday, 13 May 2010

Disk usage tools

So we all know:

df -kH
du -h --max-depth=1

How about if we wanted to look only 2 directories 'down' and only list directories at least 10M in size?

du -h --max-depth=2 | egrep "^([0-9]{2,3}M)|^([0-9]\.?[0-9]*G)"

RegEx breakdown:
Because of the ^ this only filters on the start of the line.
[0-9]{2,3}M <- 2="" 3="" br="" by="" digits="" followed="" m="" or="">[0-9]\.?[0-9]*G <- 0="" 1="" br="" by="" digit="" digits="" followed="" g="" many="" optional="" to="">
....and now du by size:

du -Psckx * | sort -nr
why not add this as an ailias to your .bashrc ?
alias dus='du -Psckx * | sort -nr'

<- 2="" 3="" br="" by="" digits="" followed="" m="" or=""><- 0="" 1="" br="" by="" digit="" digits="" followed="" g="" many="" optional="" to="">If df and du don't line up (they operate in different ways) one of the reasons could be that processes are holding handles to deleted files.
<- 2="" 3="" br="" by="" digits="" followed="" m="" or=""><- 0="" 1="" br="" by="" digit="" digits="" followed="" g="" many="" optional="" to="">Find processes still clinging on to open file handles:
<- 2="" 3="" br="" by="" digits="" followed="" m="" or=""><- 0="" 1="" br="" by="" digit="" digits="" followed="" g="" many="" optional="" to="">lsof  +L1

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